High Times® has been at the forefront of cannabis news, brands, and culture since 1974 when it was founded by Tom Forcade. Since then, it has grown to include a book-publishing division as well as a record label. With roots publishing the underground comix of acclaimed artists like Gilbert Shelton and Bill Griffith, High Times is bringing that same fabulously freaky recognition to Pulsar. Explore the full collection of bold, eye-catching designs.
26 products
You will need a USB-C charging (charger sold separately).
Pulsar USB-C Charging Cable
Pulsar 510 DL 2.0 PRO Manual : cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0011/0025/1195/files/Pulsar-510-DL-2.0-PRO-Manual.pdf?v=1704748559
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